Meet the Class of 2024 Senate Candidates!
Click each candidate below to learn more about them. Each candidate is running for one of six available seats for freshmen in the Senate. Class of 2024, don't forget to vote on October 2nd and 3rd!

My name is Lauren Amoo and I am a Biochemistry major in the Class of 2024. I am from Silver Spring, Maryland and I am of Ghanaian descent. I would like to be elected to SGA because I believe that is extremely important to have a governing body that represents our diverse student body. Additionally, I know I will listen to the concerns of my fellow classmates and take action based on these concerns. I promise to be your voice; vote Lauren Amoo for Senate.

Hello, my name is Elizabeth Baladez and I am running to be a Senator for the class of 2024. I wish to be elected to SGA because I want to “be the change you want to see in the world” and I can be that change. This year I want to promote that we are “Better Together” socially distant, of course. A single person cannot do the job alone, so if we work as a team, we are ultimately “Better Together.”

I am a Communications and Political Science major from Long Island. I have been involved with SGA since my freshman year of high school and I would love to continue to serve my fellow students here at Villanova. My goal is to be an ally and resource for all freshmen. I would love to be a voice that represents the larger student body, bring the concerns of the freshman class to the forefront, and hopefully help to pass legislation that helps both the freshman and rest of the students at Villanova

I’m running for senate to help make lasting, positive change on campus. I like to read and write--except for in any of my classes--and I play viola with the chamber strings here, where I’m majoring in finance in VSB. I also love to help bring ideas to their fullest potential and the best way to do that, I believe, is with multiple people working on it to bring about the best version of what the idea could be. I’m running to help turn ideas into objectives, and objectives into meaningful actions.

My name is Patrick Carney, I am from East Stroudsburg, PA. I am running for student senate to fulfill my vision for Villanova’s future: a fairer, sustainable, and more caring Villanova. I’m an Eagle Scout, President Emeritus of my school, and President Emeritus of Students Against Destructive Decisions. With my experience, leadership skills, vision, and your vote on October 3rd, 2020, together we can Ignite Change and foster a better Villanova for all.

My name is William Clarkin and I am running for one of the freshman class Senator positions. I am from northern New Jersey, I am here studying Nursing, and I am a Midshipman in the Navy ROTC program. I believe I can represent our class in a way that will shed light onto the truly remarkable aspects of who we are and how we are going to change Villanova for the better. We are only at the beginning of our journey but the building of an even better Nova starts now.

Hello! My name is Erin Cooney and I am a freshman in the School of Business from Medfield, Massachusetts. Student Council has always been a very big and important part of my life, so I would love to be elected as a member of SGA. I am incredibly passionate about all that SGA stands for, and I promise I will use my platform to turn student concerns and desires into realities.

As your freshman class senator, I want to enhance our understanding of COVID-19 so we can continue our fall and spring semester with ease, and I want to find more efficient ways to accomplish Unitas, Veritas, and Caritas. I desperately want to end the stigmatization of mental health so all Villanova students can be supported with the utmost representation and so that not one student will ever have to suffer alone.

Hello, my name is Alexandra Gelb and I am from Long Island, NY. I love to play golf, listen to music, and hang out with my friends. I am a very creative thinker and I love to put action behind all of my ideas. I am running to be your class senator as I am a hardworking and devoted student who is willing to work with the student body to ignite change.

My name is Andrew Kline and I am running to represent the class of 2024 in the SGA senate. I am running for this position because I feel that I have already worked to gain the trust of many of my classmates and because I am ready to help make the change that our class talked so heavily about before arriving on campus and to advocate for every student at Villanova University with a focus on the class of 2024. Remember when you vote on October 2nd or 3rd to help “Get Kline to the Finish Line”!

Hello all! My name is Olivia Lawlor and I am thrilled to be running for senator this year. I am a freshman from Guilford, Connecticut and am studying in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. I absolutely love Villanova and am so grateful to be living on campus this fall in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. I strive to make a mark on this community and be an advocate for my classmates, which the senator position will allow me to do!

Hello Villanovans! My name is Mark Moore and I am from Leesburg, Virginia, about an hour outside of DC, and I am running for SGA Senator this year. Giving back to those that give to me has been something very important to me, and it is for most Villanovans. I see SGA as an amazing opportunity to give back to our community, which has given us all so much. I hope I can count on your vote!

I am a Cognitive and Behavior Neuroscience major from San Diego, California. However, despite my lack of knowledge of the east coast, my past experience as a president of my high school’s student government over the past four years will prove I have the capability to help lead the freshman. I want to be in Student Government to give our freshman and any student from any background the voice they need during this uncertain time. On October 2nd and 3rd do not forget to vote for Preston Muñoz!

SGA is something very important to me. I love being a voice of the people and helping put other’s ideas into motion. I know that not everyone is comfortable speaking up, so it brings me joy to represent my peers. As the former president of my high school, I have previous experience leading my colleagues during the aftermath of the pandemic. It is because of this that I feel I am qualified to be one of the freshman class leaders this semester, so remember to vote for Connor Nachurski on 10/2!

My name is Tee Parris. I'm from Johannesburg, South Africa and I'm in CLAS doing an individually designed major. I hope to be a senator so that I can help people achieve the goals they have set for themselves & the goals we have as a community by providing effective communication between the class of 2024 & the administration. I also wish to be a senator so that I can help build bonds between all the members in our Nova Class of ‘24 family.

Hi! My name is Madeline Plumer, and I am a neuroscience major on a pre-med track from Meadville, Pennsylvania. I am very excited to be running for a Senator position for the class of 2024 this fall. Working with the Villanova community and making everyone’s voices heard is so important to me, and as a Senator, I would work very hard to make sure the freshmen get their opinions out there so we can make change together. GO CATS!

I’m a business major from Dayton, Ohio hoping to represent our class. In high school, I was very involved with cross country and track, student council, and developing a service dog organization. I would be honored to bring my ideas to Villanova and make our freshman year one to remember. If elected, I will work for early syllabi access to aid in scheduling, to fix the leak in the bridge to south, ensure heaters in tents, and spearhead diversity efforts. Vote Vaughn Before Your Chance Is Gone!

My name is Gavin Woodin, and I am a Biology major from Holden, MA. I am so excited to be running for Senator of our class! I wish to be elected to SGA so that I can truly be a voice of the Villanova community. My main focuses include furthering sustainable practices, working closer with our Multicultural Student Organizations, and fostering closer relationships with our local businesses in Delaware county. I hope that my outgoing and comedic personality will bring a new perspective to SGA.